Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Welcome to our new site!

Hello!  Welcome to a glimpse of our lives here in Isaan, Thailand.  Isaan is the northeastern region of Thailand, it is also the largest minority group in Thailand, and it is also a language. 

We are looking forward to using this as a more dynamic way to keep you updated as to the things going on in our lives and ministry.  We will use this site as a way to provide more details, extra photos, and even some videos.  We also look forward to hearing from you through this site. 

Moringa leaves and flowers
Our ministry currently includes a variety of areas.  We are working part-time with CAMA Services helping to start a business dealing with the amazing Moringa tree.  The business is aimed at helping low income Thai people to have additional income through selling Moringa seeds to the business, which is called "Moringa for Health".  We'll write more about this ministry/business in the future.  We are partnering with LEAF (Life Encounter Asia Foundation) in helping with leadership for Alliance Marriage Encounter, a ministry which seeks to strengthen and help marriages.  We are also involved in a variety of ministries in an independent manner.  We have developed a financial management training seminar.  We are continuing to work on this seminar.  We also work with our local church in a variety of capacities.  And of course there are always ways in which we minister that come up from time to time.

Financial seminar with a Karen Hill Tribe
Living and ministering here is a joy and a privilege!  We hope that you will enjoy sharing in our journey as you visit this site and as God leads you to join us, whether that's by praying for us and the work here or if that's through giving towards are financial support that allows us to be here and serve God full-time, or whether you join us by doing both of these.  We welcome you to this team and look forward to how God will use us for His Kingdom's sake!

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