Saturday, September 6, 2014


We are in a period of transitions.  Transitions in our personal life with the wonderful addition of a beautiful baby boy.  Transitions in our church life with the pastor of our church having left as of last week.  Transitions in weather as we're in the midst of rainy season, but looking forward to some cooler weather in the coming months.  Thailand is in the midst of serious transitions with government.  The Moringa for Health business/ministry is seemingly always in transition.  There just seem to be transitions all over the place, and it's not all bad.

We thank God for this transition to being parents.  The whole story is too long to write down here, but suffice it to say that we've clearly seen God's hand at work throughout this whole series of events.  We are still in need of God's blessing as the adoption of little Ephraim William Murphy is far from final.  We'd love to have you join us in praying that God will work out everything in this situation so that we can legally adopt Ephraim and bring him to meet all of you someday.  While there are the "normal" challenges to raising a little one, the joys out weigh them all. 

Our church, the Udonthani Church (pronounced "oo-dawn-tawnee"), is just beginning a transition between pastors.  Our pastor just left after nearly 11 years.  He is one of the pastors that helped to plant this church almost 11 years ago.  We don't know who or when we'll have a new pastor, but during this transition period we're sure that it will be a good learning and growing time for all in the church as many will need to step up to take leadership.  There is a great shortage of pastors in Thailand.  About 99+% of Bible school students are sent from the church that they will return to when they graduate.  We believe and are trusting that God has great plans for this church in the future.

The country of Thailand is in the midst of serious transitions.  If you've followed the news here at all then you will know that there is an interim Prime Minister.  Someday there will be new elections, but for now the country remains in a time of transition.  All is good here.  Life has continued the same as before, so from our perspective this is an invisible transition and yet it is very real.

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